one to one coaching

for entrepreneurs that lost their way

the search is over

A bespoke coaching programme where we will work together on a 1:2:1 basis to take you from where you are now to your happiest most successful life.

Say no more ⟶

get the help you need to create the life you want

About 1:1 coaching

Coaching is incredibly transformative for releasing what no longer serves you and giving you the tools you need to create a sustainable change in your life. 6 weeks is the minimum amount of time to book caching with me as I have found that transformative & sustainable changes come through time and putting into practice what you learn before you see true growth.

ready to make a change?

It's time for a life upgrade

I'm already Sold!

8 Weeks container

if You've been feeling like this:

Anxious, overwhelmed and hanging out in procrastination hell

Full of self doubt, fear and negative self talk, leaving you unsure of what you want but you know its not this.

Overworked, burnt out with zero time for a life, friends or even thinking about the future

Or just not feeling yourself right now, and need some clarity on refocussing your goals or creating a better life balance

imagine if you could:

Get clarity on what you really want. Then overcome the self doubt and fear to live the life you want as your most successful and happiest self 

Build better relationships, laugh more and find the joy every day!

Give yourself permission to step up, lean in and really build the creative career and life that you’ve been aching for

Let go of the shit that you are telling yourself and remember who you are, what you want. Then believe in yourself enough to make it happen.

How would your life change if you stopped waiting to feel like you're good enough and just fucking did it?

2 hour call 

You've been feeling like this:

You may be feeling uninspired, flat and like you've just lost your sparkle or forgotten what makes you 'you'

Overwhelmed, exhausted and ready to finally get the help you need to build your DREAM

Like you just need some HELP! Are you at a cross roads and not sure which way to go? Lets have a chat and get you back on track

imagine if you could:

See for yourself how incredible you are, the difference you make and the magic you've already created and transition this into tangible growth and success 

Gain clarity, feel lighter, happier and braver to start making the  changes that will help you create the life & business you want

Get support from someone in the industry to guide you through the next phase. Feel supported at every step, as you regain control of your workflow and learn the tools you need to focus, feel more organised and track your progress so you can work on your business not just in it

I want you to meet your most successful self and see how your life will change when you show up as her  

Are you ready to say yes to your wildest dreams?

Say no more ⟶

What's included

The details

Let's be clear : There is no 'Business Growth' without 'Personal growth' first.
On your coaching journey I will take you from where you are now, to where you want to be, but how long the ride is depends on how far you want to go..

8 weeks

In 8 weeks we can work together to create transformational change in your life and business, whilst ensuring that change is sustainable in order to create the life you want.
We can work through the blocks or fears that are holding you back and start to clear a path from where you are to where you want to be and making small shifts that lead to bigger results

Life coaching is for everyone and this 8 week journey would be ideal for anyone feeling lost, overwhelmed, anxious or like they're not reaching their potential.

Who is it for?

• 1 x 90 minute initial coaching with Jo via zoom
• 7 x 1 hour 1:2:1 Coaching with Jo via zoom
• Recordings of all calls
• Accountability & Support via Whatsapp during office hours

What's included?

I need this!

2 hours

Sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction and a fresh perspective.
2 Hours may not seem long, but this is a powerful session to promote action and can help with anything from preparing for a meeting to managing anxiety or difficult situations, or just to leave you feeling lighter, happier and loving yourself harder 

Ideal for anyone that has already completed the 8 week coaching and is looking for more guidance, realignment or accountability

These short no commitment sessions are ideal for anyone looking to get 'unstuck'. Even in this short time we can release blocks, regain clarity and feel inspired for what's next.
This is all about you and what you need to move through this sticky time.
It may be than more than one call is required and I generally recommend a minimum of 3, 

Who is it for?

• 1 x 120 minute initial coaching with Jo via zoom 
• Recording of all call

What's included?

I'm All in!

Not sure which one is best for you?

Book a discovery call


"Jo Helped me find me.

Jo has been coaching me for the past 6 months. She has helped me to believe in myself, my abilities and my dreams.
Without Jo I wouldn't have taken the leap into education, I have workshops planned and more to come and I cannot wait to see how I grow. She believed in me so much it helped me also.
Jo has a lovely warm relaxed manner, she makes you feel instantly comfortable and is so easy to talk to, like you have been friends for a long time. I have had a few life things happen during these 6 months and Jo has always got my back and was there to support me and check on me too. She goes beyond what she needs too."

“I recently completed the 6 Month Mentoring program with Jo, which was a great journey of indecisiveness, tears, laughter, realisations, productivity, frustration and achievement. Looking back to when I started, I realised I was keeping myself in a holding pattern of procrastination because of wanting to know every detail but not having a clear vision of what I really wanted. But that was me being fearful of the change that needed to happen. In the middle of the course, there was a lot of tears, frustration, progress and a bit of overwhelm. And finally, at the end of the course, I am pleased to say, I have a clear direction and vision. Even though I haven’t achieved the final step, which has been a delay due to circumstances outside of my control, I know that I am completely ready and prepared to take it when the opportunity arises. Jo helped me gain clarity on my vision, pushed and guided me through some difficult situations and was always at the end of the phone/email when I needed a bit of help. Our workshops on various business and social media aspects really helped make things a lot easier. Drilling down the numbers, getting really clear about my business plan and steps needed to move forward has been invaluable. I look forward to my next part of the journey and am eternally grateful to Jo for helping me with the process."

Tara Ives

Sign me up!


8 weeks
1:1 coaching

I'm all in!


2 hour
1:1 coaching

*payment plan available

Discover what makes you happy and bring more of that into your life to help you reach your happiest self. This will take you from wherever you are now, towards where you want to be - confident, happier, lighter and loving yourself more than ever. 

This leads to braver more aligned business thinking, more money, high self worth and a feeling of peace 

Let's chat ⟶

Book your discovery call

Ready to change your life?


Is 8 weeks enough?

To help you create real transformational change, including starting or pivoting a new business I would recommend a longer coaching term of up to 6 months but would suggest starting at 8 weeks to create momentum and ensure that I am the right coach for you.

What if I need more time?

You can book a further 8 weeks or a single one off call if you feel you need it. Many of my past clients and retreat guests check in with me a few times a year once they have reached their initial goal Book a discovery call to find out what is best for you.

Let's be friends!

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